Yoshiki Uchida's homepage

Dafo temple

International Conference

  1. 2nd Topics of Particle, Astro and Cosmo Frontiers (TOPAC 2024)
    30 May-2 Jun. 2024, Southeast University (Sipailou Campus), Nanjing
    "SMEFT vs HEFT in the case of type-II seesaw"

    5-8 Dec. 2023, University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha Campus
    "Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone dark matter from non-Abelian gauge symmetry"

  3. Higgs 2023
    27 Nov.-2 Dec. 2023, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing
    "Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter from Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry"

  4. Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2023 (HPNP2023)
    5-9 Jun. 2023, Osaka Univeraity
    "Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter from Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry"

  5. 34th Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group
    19 Aug. 2022, Osaka University
    "Non-abelian pseudo Nambu-Goldstone dark matter"

  6. ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX2021)
    26-29 Oct. 2021, online
    "Scattering amplitudes in generalized Higgs effective field theory"

  7. International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2021)
    15-18 Mar. 2021, online
    "Scalar and fermion on-shell amplitudes in generalized Higgs effective field theory"

  8. KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-PH2020)
    18-21 Feb. 2020, KEK
    "Generalization of Higgs Effective Field Theory"

  9. 25th International Summer Institute on Phenomenology of Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology (SI2019)
    18-23 Aug. 2019, Gangneung, Korea
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector"

  10. KMI school 2019
    21-23 Feb. 2019, Nagoya University
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector" [Poster presentation]

  11. The 4th KMI International Symposium (KMI2019)
    18-20 Feb. 2019, Nagoya University
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector" [Poster presentation]

  12. KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-PH2018 winter) and 3rd KIAS-NCTS-KEK workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology
    4-7 Dec. 2018, KEK
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector" [Poster presentation]

  13. Higgs Couplings 2018
    26-30 Nov. 2018, Tokyo
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector -Finiteness of oblique corrections v.s. perturbative unitarity-"

  14. International Workshop on "Theoretical Particle Physics 2018"
    31 Oct.-2 Nov. 2018, Osaka University
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector -overview and examples-"

  15. Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2018
    28 May-1 Jun. 2018, Fukuoka
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector -Finiteness of oblique corrections v.s. perturbative unitarity-"

  16. 22nd Regular Meeting of New Higgs Working Group
    11-12 May 2018, Fukuoka
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector -Finiteness of oblique corrections v.s. perturbative unitarity-"

National Conference

  1. 日本物理学会 2023 秋季大会
    22-25 Mar. 2023, online

  2. 2022年度新学術領域「ニュートリノで拓く素粒子と宇宙」研究会
    1-3 Nov. 2022, Kyoto University
    "Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter from Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry"

  3. 基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2022
    2 Sep.-29 Aug. 2022, Kyoto University

  4. 日本物理学会 2022 第77回年次大会
    15-19 Mar. 2022, online

  5. 第127回日本物理学会九州支部例回
    4 Dec. 2021, online

  6. 2nd EFT study meeting
    3-5 Nov. 2021, Iwate
    [invited talk] "拡張ヒッグス有効理論の定式化と応用"

  7. 日本物理学会 2021 秋季大会
    14-17 Sep. 2021, online

  8. 素粒子物理学の進展2021
    6-10 Sep. 2021, online

  9. 1st EFT study meeting
    30 Jun.-2 Jul. 2021, Iwate
    [invited talk]"ヒッグス有効理論の概観とその発展"

  10. 日本物理学会 2020 秋季大会
    14-17 Sep. 2020, online
    "General relation between 3 and 4 point fermion-scalar scattering amplitude"

  11. 日本物理学会 2020 第75回年次大会
    16-19 Mar. 2020, online
    "Incorporating Dirac fermions into Generalized Higgs Effective Field Theory"

  12. 素粒子現象論研究会2019
    23-25 Nov. 2019, Osaka City University
    "Generalization of Higgs Effective Field Theory"

  13. 日本物理学会 2019 秋季大会
    17-20 Sep. 2019, Yamagata University
    "Generalized Higgs Effective Field Theory"

  14. 基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2019
    29 Jul.-2 Aug. 2019, Kyoto University
    "Symmetry and Geometry in generalized HEFT"

  15. Summer camp on ILC accelerator, physics and detectors 2018, ILC夏の合宿2018
    9-12 Sep. 2018, Yamaguchi
    "Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector -Finiteness of oblique corrections v.s. perturbative unitarity-"

  16. 日本物理学会 2018 第73回年次大会
    22-25 Mar. 2018, Tokyo University of Science

Invited Seminars

  1. 北海道大学 素粒子・宇宙論研究室セミナー
    28 Jun. 2024
    "Nambu-Goldstone modes in magnetized T2n extra dimensions"

  2. YITPセミナー
    17 Jun. 2022
    "Geometric Interpretation of Nonlinear Sigma Models and Extension to Systems with Fermions"

  3. 大阪大学 素粒子論研究室セミナー
    25 May 2021
    "Formulation of new normal coordinate system in generalized HEFT"

  4. 九州大学 素粒子論研究室セミナー
    23 Apr. 2021
    "Generalization of Higgs Effective Field Theory"

  5. 北海道大学 素粒子・宇宙論研究室セミナー
    3 Jul. 2020
    "Generalization of Higgs Effective Field Theory"

  6. 京都大学 素粒子論研究室セミナー
    15 Jan. 2020
    "Generalized Higgs effective field theory"